DOWN EAST NETTING-A History and How-To of Netmaking by Barbara MORTON (SKU: FLB003) * ONLY 6 LEFT *
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A complete how-to book or Filet Work: Plain and Fancy
A History and How-To of Netmaking
by Barbara MORTON
ISBN 0-9728496-0-2
144 pages
New - Second edition
Learn how to do netting from Vinalhaven, a little island in Maine, USA
- All kinds of nets - with projects
- The basic knot for fishnet and other useful knots
- Square and Reverse Netting
- Repairing a knotted net
- Fishermen's Nets
- Horse net Projects
- Home projects in Knotted Net Laces
- Fancy Knotted Netting
- Filet Guipure Stitches from a 19th century periodical
- 29 practical projects, 40 photographs, 82 illustrations, BIG pictures, 144 pages.
Look at the many pictures for the List of Content and for samples of pages.
Also a page with part of the history of Vinalhaven Island (Maine) in the US.
Click here to see where is Vinalheaven (Maine, US)
The author, Barbara Morton has gathered the patterns and photographs for Down East Netting to preserve the netting skills that have been rapidly disappearing even from Maine's coastal towns.
She writes... "an order of netted bags hanging on a hook in a Maine kitchen, the wintry light reflecting the soft sheen in their netted design, assumes as much beauty as any other handicraft. And yet, even though netting is one of the earliest crafts known to mankind, and certainly an important part of the coastal settlements here in America, it is rarely included in craft shows or thought of as folk art".
Barbara Morton has documented the craft and art of netting in a book full of easy to follow illustrations and directions. She will enable you to effectively transfer the skills of old to create practical and artful projects such as fashion accessories, lace, bags of all kinds, nets and many other useful and beautiful product.
We have the tool you need to knot a net
Getting Started
Useful Knots for Netting
Circular and Tubular Netting
Square Netting, Reverse Netting, and Selvedges
... The Square Net is the one used in the Instruction Book (FL01) for the Linen Stitch
Mending, Patching and Lacing
Fishermen's Nets
Other Practical Projects
Fancy Netting
... Few stitches of the Filet Guipure Technique from "The Young Ladies Journal"
List of Twine Companies
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