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Kuniko FUJII

Kuniko FUJII

Dear Marie-Jo, How are you ? I received a Filet Lace Kit, today. This Kit greatly excite me ! I start study for Filet Lace from tomorrow. I appreciate your concern. thank you for your kindness. Have a nice days and Christmas day. Sincerely
Kuniko FUJII, Japan
Item FL104-12


Questo libro e' stato scritto da una insegnante di ricamo su rete in sequito alle richieste ricevute di ampliare dettagliatamente in un libro i suoi materiali di insegnamento. It libro ha la copertina morbida, e' rilegato a spirale, e' ben organizzato ed ha piu' di 100 pagine di storia, schemi, liste di materiali istruzioni passo-passo con pui' di 400 diagrammi e suggermenti localizzati direttamente nei vari capitoli insieme alle istruzioni. Ci sono sia designi che foto. Le istruzioni comprendono come iniziare, come montare la rete su telaio, come iniziare e finire il lavoro, rifiniture e cura del proprio merletto. C'e' un capitolo su come disegnare i propri shemi, come eseguire il punto tela da ogni anglolo, il punto come gestire i "buchi" di uno  schema, come riconoscere e correggere gli errori, schemi quadrati, triangolari e a forma di cuore, bordi e molti esercizi che aiutano a capire le varie tecniche.  Il libro vale sen'zaltro il prezzo di 35.97 dollari.
Recensione e informazioni

KAZUKO N. - Kawasaki-Shi (JAPAN)

KAZUKO N. - Kawasaki-Shi (JAPAN)

"Au Japon, c'est tres difficile d'obtenir un livre de Filet Lace. Je fais de la dentelle au fuseaux, tatting et batten, mais il n'y a pas beaucoup de livre. ... Pour debutante, votre
livre est le meilleurs livre. Je suis tres heureuse de faire connaissance avec vous."


This book is an excellent introduction to filet lace, a lace constructed on a square mesh fabric by weaving thread into the mesh. The book opens with a brief history of filet lace and then guides the reader step by step in how to make it. There are numerous detailed diagrams and photographs that clearly illustrate how the lace is constructed. Filet Lace is a book strongly recommended for anyone interested in this lace. The beginner will find all the basics on how to construct the linen stitch, the basic stitch used in filet lace; the intermediate lacer will find more advanced stitch techniques; the advanced lacer will find numerous exercises and patterns and a short bibliography on filet lace."

Catherine Kozlowski is the Librarian at the International Old Lacers, Inc - Book Review in "The Bulletin"  --  Volume 24, Number 4
YORIKO O.  Richmond, British Colombia (CANADA)

YORIKO O. Richmond, British Colombia (CANADA)

"I received the package yesterday. I started reading your book last night and I am so excited to start learning this technique! ..."I started with graph paper, sharpie, and pencil. It's like solving puzzles... which I like."

" Your book is excellent, and a great help. I like your clear diagrams, and it is an ideal beginners guide, answering all the questions that a complete beginner wants answers to! "
Liz L.
Melbourne, Australia
MIREILLE P-C. de St-Joachim-de-Shefford (Quebec, CANADA)

MIREILLE P-C. de St-Joachim-de-Shefford (Quebec, CANADA)

"J'ai recu votre livre et je vous en remercie. Pour le moment je l'ai "devore d'une traite", car j'etais curieuse de voir tout ce qui s'y trouvait et je le trouve tres interessant.  Je vais dans les prochains jours, m'attarder de facon plus specifique et etudier les differentes facons tel que vous le recommandez.  Merci pour votre petite dedicace, je trouve que cela le personnalise beaucoup plus.  On a l'impression qu'il a ete fait juste pour nous.  C'est tres delicat de votre part d'y avoir pense. Le filet fourni et l'AIGUILLE A BOULE sont aussi arrives et j'ai ete surprise de voir ce que c'etait. je vous remercie de l'opportunite qui nous est offerte de vous consulter par courriel (Tutorial). Sinceres salutations et felicitations pour le professionnalisme que vous avez."



... "Your surprise has arrived in Samara on Monday.  My enjoyment doesn't know any limits!  My family and I surveyed your surprise during loooooooog time.  All parts of your surprise are chef-d'oeuvre.  We are amazed of your imagination, unerring taste and preciseness.  Thank you very much for your lovely present!"  ... "I will constantly study your personally signed book.  I will show your book to my students with proudness.  Your Mermie is beautiful!! THANK YOU! "  ... "THANK YOU again!  I appreciate your kindness.  Your friend, Olga"

 Debra B.
Winston Salem, North Carolina, USA

"Marie-Jo, I received my book just as you said, yesterday and I have been unable to un-attach myself. It is exactly as I was expecting and I just wanted you to know it is MAGNIFIQUE!   The Knotted Net DOES make the difference and the book is well written and illustrated.  I know you will be receiving an order from me soon for more Net. Thank you"

" J' ai recu mon paquet et j' ai vraiment hate de commencer. Petit detail c' est que je n' ai pas pense que le livre etait en anglais. Mais comme je me debrouille et que les dessins explicatifs sont clairs, je devrais y arriver. "
Catherine M.

Jeanine Robertson, Editor

"Filet Lace :  Introduction to the Linen Stitch by Marie-Jo Quinault.  This book was written by a teacher of Filet lace.  A soft-cover, coil-bound book, it is well laid out, and has over 100 pages of history, patterns, step-by-step instructions with over 400 diagrams and tips placed direcly in the sections alongside the instructions. There are both hand-drawn illustrations and photos. The instructions cover how to get set up, mounting the netting on the frame, knottying, finishing and caring for your lace. There is a section (Level 1) on the Linen Stitch from every angle, the hidden Stitch (Level 2), how to deal with "holes" in the pattern (Level 3), how to spot and correct errors, square, triangular and heart shaped patterns, borders and edgings, and many exercises to help you understand each technique + 25 more projects. This book is well worth the price of $35.97 US. Also available at

 RuthAnn Youngblood
Founder of the Blue Mountain Ridge Lacemaker's Guild
Waynesboro, Pensylvania, USA

"Marie-Jo Quinault's "Filet Lace-Introduction to the Linen Stitch" provides a comprehensive guide to the technique of the Linen Stitch in filet lace-making. This long neglected technique has been brought back into vogue with Marie's 20 years of experience in lace-making and her in-depth research.   Clear, detailed step-by-step instructions and drawings will enable the beginner to accomplish this rewarding form of lace-making. In addition, patterns to work from are also given. Lovers of lace can now, once again, enjoy this most delicate of fabrics. A must for the needleworker's library."

" Your book arrived today. It is very well written. I have begun practicing the drawings of the diagrams. I am anxious to begin the lace. "
Sylvia A.
Palmhaven, USA
Marie M.
tesco - USA
"Hello Marie-Jo, are you there?  Knock, knock.  Just got your parcel I am trilled to bits about your book and the net.  I have been doing some little exercises on the little net I received with your metal frames, while I was waiting for your book.  It has been going fine, but now I can start step by step.  Thanks so much again."

Gene P.
Cleveland, Georgia, USA

Ms. Quinault, I am so excited to find your website! As you will understand I have searched for years to find information on filet lace. Is your site new? After all the times I have searched, this is the first time I have seen it."

" I am very excited to learn and begin! Started reading the book already. I love it! The net is very beautiful, too. Thanks for all of your patient help with this order! "
Ricky T.
Raymonde M.
Mayenne,  FRANCE

" J'ai reçu votre colis pour lequel je vous remercie pour sa présentation fait avecbeaucoup de goûts et de précautions.  J'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à parcourir votre livrequi est très beau et je pense que je devrais arriver à produire quelque chose car lesschémas sont vraiment très claire.  Je vous tiendrai au courant dans quelques temps.  Merci et à bientot. "
" J' ai tout recu tres vite et tres bien... Votre livre est genialement fait ! Merci beaucoup! "
Nicole M.

Shirley C.
Broadway, Worcestershire, ENGLAND

"... I found your site through NORDICNEEDLE, who contact me weekly.  I bought your book and some net from them and was delighted. It is very easy to understand, although I need a bit more practise before I can work without the instructions in front of me. Iused to do netting when I was first married to a fisherman's son and have always wanted to do filet work, especially now that I can no longer hold the pins for bobbin lace, but have never found anyone who could tell me anything about it, so I was very pleased to discover your business existed.  I live in England...     ... We don't have a club in Broadway yet, but I am hoping to get one started in the next few weeks.  It will be "Bring whatever sort of work you are doing and let's all have a look at it", so I shall be showing my skill at filet lace as soon as I have mastered (?) it.  Thank you! "  (October 2006)

Christiane B.
Champagne-sur-Seine, FRANCE

... "Votre livre est arrive ce mercredi dans ma boite aux lettre. Merci du fond du coeur pour la dedicace et le cadeau. Je vais me mettre a la traduction dans un premier temps, car je voudrais d'abord comprendre votre methode d'apprentissage. La tapisserie de Bayeux: Nous avons visite mon mari et moi il y a deux and le musee et nous avons ete emerveille par ce magnifique travail. Je vous remercie encore et me mets a mon travail de traduction. Amicalement a vous"

Katie BLAKE from Sydney, Australia says that she has a craft addiction, and I can see it includes Filet Lace!  Read from her blog where she says...

"I also brought the filet lace kit my sister (bless her soul) gave me for my birthday.  What you see on the stretcher frame now is my next doily, with a pattern this time.  You also see the pattern I am using. Making the pattern is a fascinating combination of dotting in the squares you want to fill, then tracing a simgle continuous line around them all. Then you follow that with your (long ball-pointed) needle and thread."

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